Kazakhstan Customer Visit Onlitex

Views: 52     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-09-07      Origin: Site

10 Customer visits

Damir, one of our clients visited our company and inspected our workshop on October 17.

During the tour of the plant, Damir was impressed with the plant operation as all machinery and equipment in good order and employees dedicated to their tasks and were hardworking. Damir complimented our company production capacity.

Furthermore, Damir asked about specific process of surface mount technology. CEO Mr. Allen Shieh explained the entire process to Damir which included the painting with solder paste, the machinery layout and reflow soldering.

At end of visit, Damir stated that best technology was well suited to provide his requirements and would support best for this. He believed that best technology can create greater value to clients as a result of the efficiency of the SMT manufacturing process.

We are appreciative of Damir's positive comments about our company and we will continually strive to meet our clients expectation.

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