Social Responsibility
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Emergency medical kit
In order to better report the health and safety of employees, as well as unpredictable accidents, the company has equipped each workshop with an emergency medical kit.
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Protecting employees' health
In July 2019, Onlitex invested 60,000 RMB to upgrade the air conditioning system in the workshop. The new air conditioning facilities provide a more comfortable and cool working environment for all production line employees.
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Fire Training and Emergency Drill Program
On July 10, all the employees jointly participated in fire training and on-the-spot exercise to further strengthen fire control safety awareness, fire fighting capacity, and ability to cope with emergencies.
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Saving Resources and Advocating Sustainable Development
Onlitex-ers are committed to standardize our own behavior according to law, improving the environment, strengthening technological innovation, renewing equipment and developing circular economy, low-carbon economy, advocating low-carbon lift, energy saving and emission reduction, implementing waste
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